August, 25-28 2020
August, 25-28 2020

SAFE Forum 2020: The Future of Fossils Fuels: Shifting the Conversation

2021-07-16 528 Dailymotion

SAFE Forum 2020
"Reshaping Indonesia for a Sustainable Future"
August, 25-28 2020

The Future of Fossils Fuels: Shifting the Conversation

The development of new and renewable energy cannot rapidly replace fossil fuels, which are still needed in the next few years. Various efforts are being made to reduce fossil energy emission through new technologies.

1. Adrian Lembong - Director of Technology, PT Adaro Power
2. Moshe Rizal - Executive Director, Aspermigas
3. Dharmawan H. Samsu - President Commissioner, PT Pertamina Power Indonesia

Jihan Novita

- If you want to access another discussion, please go to SAFE Forum 2020 page (
- E-Certificate is available for participants on Zoom Application only who join 80% of the sessions in entire series of the events.
- All sessions are available in English and Bahasa Indonesia at Zoom Application

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