
Mowing Grass at Niagara Falls

2021-06-18 4 Dailymotion

Occurred on June 11, 2021 / Niagara Falls, New York, USA

: "My 17 yr old daughter and I went on a family “Glamping” trip with my my son, his wife and their 4 kids (about 10 min. from Niagara Falls). On Friday, June 11, 2021, we took the kids to see Niagara Falls. We took a couple family pics, and within 10 to 15 minutes, they were done at the falls. We started to walk to get ice cream. At some point, I realized that, they meant we were leaving the falls. In shock, I told them that I wasn’t leaving until I take some pictures of Lilly and I together. Quickly her and I went back to the falls. That’s when I saw the girl mowing the grass while being tethered to the railing. It looked like a bad “what not to do, OSHA training”. The falls were on one side of her, and a big drop off behind her. It seemed like it would be a tough job, comparing her size to the height of the grass, and that at moment things could go wrong quickly. Of course I had to video recorded it, before Lilly and I did our own photo op. The girl is also mowing in the back ground of Lilly and I’s pictures."