
Reign Streiter, you seen his billboards about Wire Park. Shares his experience with Georgui Kassaev! Reign Streiter on Who is the best realtor in my area of Athens Ga

2021-06-08 8 Dailymotion

Hey guys, my name is Georgui Kassaev, and I'm a Realtor here in Athens, Georgia. I'm standing here with Reign Streiter, he is a client of mine also one of my co-workers, and he's going to give you a little bit of a review of how he felt when he worked with me on our last purchase of his investment property. Reign, take it away!

Okay, my name is Reign Streiter. I've been a realtor for 16 years, I'm also an investor, and I've bought, sold, for myself over eight figures this past year. I'm always looking for multi-family, or investment properties, commercial, any type of investment properties.

So even though I'm a realtor myself, George found me a 13-unit multi-family apartment building nearby. He told me about it, he went and filmed it the same day when I came back, George showed me all the videos, and he made me super confident in moving forward on making an offer. There were multiple offers, but we got the deal. Through due diligence, he was very helpful in assessing the true value of the property. And he carried it all the way through.

Like I said, even though I'm a realtor myself, I see value when somebody else brings value to the table. In this case, George brought a great amount of value. And so I'm really happy with the purchase and the way it was all handled. If anyone's out there that's looking to buy an investment property, George knows a lot about it, he got some designations that you can get in the real estate community, he's done a lot of studying in the classroom however, he also has real-life experience not only buying and selling but also rehabbing properties. So he can give you some insight there.

Absolutely, I would recommend George. I think George's website is myathensrealtor.com. So if you go to the website and reach out, he'll answer. I know him personally so I got his phone number. But I'm sure if you go on his website and reach out, then he'll give you a call. Whether you're in Athens, Georgia, or anywhere in the state of Georgia, I think that he can find something for you. He's got a wide net, he does a lot of research, has access to a lot of lists, so I think that you'll be in good hands with George.
