
मानव शरीर को बारेमा केही अविश्वासिने अनौठो तथ्य _ Unbelievable Facts about Our Body _ Anautho Tathya

2021-06-08 1 Dailymotion

हाम्राे शरीर ३ बजे देखि ४ बजेको बीचमा किन कमजोर हुन्छ??? Amazing facts about human body । Anautho Tathya ।

The VOICE used in this video is taken from IMAGE NEWS FM. We made this video for Entertainment / Knowledge only. The Anautho Tathya Team apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause.

Video Credit:-
Voice Over:- IMAGE NEWS FM
Design & Edit:- RABIN THAPA
Video Creator:- RN CREATIONS
Stock Photos & Video :- GOOGLE & REMEMTRO

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