
The EU reaffirms its “total solidarity” with Spain in the Ceuta crisis_ “It is a European border”

2021-05-26 1 Dailymotion

European leaders postpone the debate on immigration policy reform to an upcoming summit. https://eudebates.tv/debates/special-debates/migration/eu-promise-to-save-migrants-after-recent-deaths-in-the-mediterranean/ The president of the Government, Pedro Sanchez, reported this Tuesday to European leaders during the face-to-face summit held in Brussels on the “unprecedented crisis“that Ceuta suffered last week for the”massive arrival of migrants from Morocco“. The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, has reiterated his “total solidarity” with Spain, but the migration issue has not been addressed in depth and is postponed to a future summit.

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“We reaffirm total European solidarity towards the Spanish Government, towards the Spanish authorities with regard to the migration issue and the protection and security of the Spanish borders: it’s about the european borders“, Michel explained in a press conference at dawn, at the end of the first day of the summit.

The President of the European Council has nevertheless clarified that European leaders have not discussed the migration issue because it was not on the agenda. Of course, he has recognized that several heads of State and Government have demanded that the immigration reform – whose processing is totally blocked – be included in a future meeting. However, it has not clarified if that will happen already at the next summit on June 24 and 25.

It was Mario Draghi who requested a brief point of information on migration policy in the European Council. The Italian prime minister wanted to reactivate the debate on refugee sharing quotas to ease the renewed pressure on Italy on the island of Lampedusa. Sánchez has joined their demands with his presentation on the situation in Ceuta. Nevertheless, the debate lasted only a few minutes at the end of a long working dinner devoted to Belarus, Russia or the United Kingdom.

Upon arrival in Brussels, Sánchez admitted that the “massive arrival” of migrants to Ceuta has triggered a “unprecedented crisis between the European Union and Morocco“. Sánchez thanks the community institutions and the rest of the partners for their support.”firm and forceful“during the crisis and demands from the Government of Rabat “respect” for the borders.

The President of the Government has emphasized that our country is the main supporter of Rabat before the EU when, for example, negotiating development aid. “Always remind Morocco that there is no better or greater ally within the EU than Spain“, he insisted.

“We want to have a relationship that is as constructive as possible, but it has to be based on two main axes,” Sánchez warned. “The first, trust; and the second, respect and in this case respect for the borders of Europe, the Spanish borders of Ceuta and Melilla for the Moroccan country, “says the PM.