
How to Heal Keratosis Pilaris (Chicken Skin) Naturally

2021-04-27 7 Dailymotion

Do you have white bumps on your arms? Do you know what it means? It might be keratosis pilaris.

Keratosis pilaris, sometimes known as follicular keratosis or "chicken skin," is a common skin alteration.

It causes slightly hard white or red bumps that make the skin look like chicken's skin.

This change usually doesn't cause any itchiness or pain, appearing in any part of the body, most commonly on the arms, thighs, face, and buttocks.

Follicular keratosis is a genetic condition that can't be cured, only treated. The treatment is usually done with creams that hydrate the skin and help lessen the bumps.

Did you know that people with allergic diseases, such as asthma or rhinitis, have higher chances of developing keratosis pilaris?

The best things to lessen the bumps are good hydration (through creams and good eating habits) and keratolytic creams and soaps, which will break keratin.

The bumps of follicular keratosis lessen with time and with the use of these creams.

There are other important steps, like avoiding hot showers, not showering for more than 10 minutes, always moisturize the skin after showering, and avoiding rubbing towels and clothes on the skin.

Avoid exposing your skin to the sun for too long, and always use sunscreen.

Vitamin A deficiency can lead to keratosis pilaris.

Besides these tips, you can also try some natural medicines...

If you suffer from keratosis pilaris, follow these tips and share your experience with us.

0:00​ What is Keratosis Pilaris (Chicken Skin)
1:27​ How To Treat Keratosis Pilaris
2:27​ Natural Treatments for Keratosis Pilaris