1. 2click on the lan card icon
2. go to properties then 2click on TCP/IP
3. please check on: use IP address
4. put
Then press ok button and get out from the window
5. after connected message go to run program or click window button + R
6. then write there telsima press enter
7. login:admin press enter
8. password:admin
9. third step will be:- sh bs press enter
10. if the value of rss is (50-70)& the value of cinr is greater than 19 then your connection is good otherwise bad
if it is bad than move your ss or antenna little-bit,
11. then again 2click on lancard icon go to properties
12. 2click on TCP/IP
13. check on obtain IP automatically then press ok
and get out from the window
14. once again connecting massage will show on lancard icon
15. then start browsing
download this video ever your internet connection is not working than what you will do ?