
Retirement Planning: The Risk of Running Out of Money (2021)

2021-04-12 4 Dailymotion


Many of us, when we think about retirement, dream of traveling the world, pursuing our hobbies, volunteering in our community, or getting to spend more time with our family. Of course, the challenge many of us will face as we retire is how do we make sure our money lasts as long as we do?

After all, the goal of retirement is to spend it how we want.

To do that, we have to answer one obvious question, just how long do we have to stretch our money for?

Back in the 1950s, the average length of retirement for 65-year-old men was eight years.

That's it.

Today, retirement looks very different.

One of the biggest changes is that we have a higher life expectancy, and living longer means a longer retirement.

Luckily, there are financial strategies you can use to help reduce longevity risk.

Ask The Annuity Expert about the use of various insurance products and financial strategies that might be right for you.

Learn More: https://www.annuityexpertadvice.com/risk-of-running-out-of-money/