Today we are talking about types of contraception and birth control
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The process of pregnancy is the meeting of the sperm with the egg,
and with the meeting between the sperm and the egg, fertilization occurs
and then this fertilized egg travels through the fallopian tubes to the uterus
and if it is implanted in the lining of the uterus in a process known as implantation,
then it can be said that the stage of pregnancy has begun officially
There are many methods or methods that can be used to prevent pregnancy,
and the choice of method depends on the general health of the person concerned,
his age, the family's health history, and the desire to have children in the future
1- Surgery
If you do not want to have more children,
the most effective way to ensure this is surgery
Women can undergo a ligation and thus prevent semen from reaching the egg
Men can have surgery to cut the vas deferens, which keeps sperm out of the semen
Both types of surgery do not impair sexual performance or pleasure
2- Birth control pills
Which contain hormones to prevent pregnancy, and must be taken on a daily basis
Birth control pills have many side effects
The birth control pill can cause blood clots
It can also contribute to high blood pressure
Water retention
3- The emergency contraceptive pill
It can be used as an emergency contraception after sexual intercourse, up to 72 hours after intercourse
Take two doses of the pill with a 12 hour gap in between
Because the amount of hormones is much higher, the side effects are more like nausea and vomiting
4- Contraceptive stickers
The contraceptive patch works by slow release of hormones that enter through the skin,
and should be changed once a week.
5- The contraceptive injection
Known to have a long-lasting effect and provide three months of protection
6- Subcutaneous graft
The implantation of the graft provides hormonal protection for five years by inserting six micro-flexible capsules that are surgically inserted under the skin, in the upper arm.
All of these options have the same side effects as the pill because they also depend on hormones to prevent pregnancy.
7- An intrauterine device
This device is inserted into the uterus by the doctor, the device may come out on its own, and he may not notice that.
These situations sometimes lead to pregnancy, such as pregnancy symptoms on an IUD.
The device may also cause bleeding and cramps in the abdomen
8- The veil or the female condom
It is a dome made of rubber that covers the opening of the uterus inside the vagina
It should be inserted before sex and kept there for at least six hours afterward
There are no side effects or complications for using the condom
9- Creams containing chemicals that kill a man's sperm, or prevent it from moving
10- The condom