
I Tried This Laundry Detergent Mopping Trick and My Kitchen Floors Have Never Sparkled Mor

2021-04-05 39 Dailymotion

Floors get dusty.They can get especially gross inhigh-traffic areas like the kitchen.Fortunately, there's an Instagram trickthat's safe for most floors and pet safe.The secret is powderedTide laundry detergent.Add 1 teaspoon of Tide powder to thebottom of your mop bucket and fill to theline with the hottest water you can get.Now, get to work mopping — this isa little bit of a workout, so it's asatisfying Saturday activity.Tide removes buildup (alongwith any dirt, grime, or grease)because it contains surfactants.You can leave those priceycleaners promising "shine" behindand make this your new go-to