How to Wire Wrap Stones
This video contains nothing more than someones opinion and is for general educational purposes only.
How to Wire Wrap Stones
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Wire wrapping is a technique that involves bending wire around stone sea glass shells amber or other ornamental centerpieces to create a piece of jewelry. Wire wrapping can create beautiful rings pendants necklaces and other similar kinds of adornments. Whats more when wire wrapping you do not need elaborate tools to drill and bore holes into the stone. With just a few simple tools and supplies you could soon make your very own piece of wire wrapped jewelry Choose your centerpiece. You might have found a beautiful piece of sea glass while walking the beach or maybe you have a semi precious stone that you think just breathtaking but either can make a beautiful piece of wire wrap art. Symmetrical shapes can give your wire wrap a more professional look but sometimes interesting shapes can further accentuate the centerpiece around which you will wrap your wire.
Decide which wire best suits your centerpiece. Wire comes in many different varieties both in terms of the material its made and its thickness which is commonly referred to as the gauge of the wire. Larger and heavier centerpieces will require a thicker gauge of wire. All wire used in this example is either 20 or 22 gauge which is frequently recommended for beginners.
Gather your wire wrapping supplies. In this example of wire wrapping a round polished stone bead is used as the centerpiece and is wrapped in an inexpensive brass wire. Most of these supplies should be available at your local hardware or craft store or even online. For this project you will need
Prepare your work space. Youll want to clear any obstacles that might get in your way and make working with your wire difficult. Clear a broad area. while you are trying to cut or bend a longer piece of wire you do not want to accidentally knock something over with the loose end.The best gauge wire for wrapping stones is 20-gauge wire
This video contains a digital rendering of a celebrity personalities likeness and voice for comedic and satirical value. The opinions and information expressed in this video are not representative of those of the actual celebrity personality. No affiliation exists between the celebrity personality and the producer of this video.