
Iselin Ovejero (Velez Sarsfield) exodo de jugadores argentinos a Europa 1970

2021-02-18 42 Dailymotion

Bs. As .: Report of the journalist Ricardo Arias where he states: - "It seems that the exodus of Argentine players has begun, a few days ago Jorge Sanita, from Colon, went to Spain, yesterday Bernardo Acosta, from Lanus. It seems that Machado Da Silva, the Brazilian Racing star, would be almost sold out and it is very likely that Roberto Perfumo will continue his football career in Brazil. The one who will leave in a couple of hours is another very prominent Argentine player, Iselin Santos Ovejero. Velez Sarsfield's central defender, goes with the intention of being tested by a really very important club in Spain which is Atlético de Madrid ". Report to Iselin Santos Ovejero: -How do you feel at this moment when it is very possible for him to join a club of such prestige? - Sheepdog, the negotiation was through a businessman, he has resolved his situation with Vélez, that is, Velez Sarsfield wants 20 million pesos for you, is that true? - Are you going alone or with his wife? -In a sports career that, like yours, has certainly been triumphant, what has been the most pleasant, most beautiful, most exciting moment? -What would you say at this point in the game when all your teammates from Velez Sarsfield are only a few minutes away from leaving for Spain? -And what would you ask of the entire bias, the entire Velez Sarsfield fan? - Throughout your career, have you worked with several Ovejero technicians, if at this moment I ask you from whom you learned the most or to reverse the question, who taught you best, who did you name me? (Mentions Osvaldo Juan Zubeldia) -Do you think Argentine football is going to recover? (Ricardo Arias)
Reference: In 1969 he was released and joined Atletico de Madrid, a team with which he won a local league and became an idol of the "Colchoneros"; When he left soccer, he started working as a coach for the lower ranks of the same club.
Date: 9/9/1969
Duration: 3 minutes 40 seconds
Film Code: B-03741

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