
Sasikala-வின் ஸ்லீப்பர் செல்களாக சில அமைச்சர்கள்?!- K.C Palanisamy | EPS | OPS

2021-02-15 1 Dailymotion

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In this interview, KC Palanisamy talks in detail about the Return of Sasikala, ADMK Internal affairs, Edapaadi Palanisamy (EPS) & O Pannerselvam (OPS) Conflict, TTV Dinakaran, upcoming Stragety of TN election.The Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly elections are to be held in Tamil Nadu on April 2021 for the 234 seats of the Legislative Assembly in the state of Tamil Nadu, India

Host - Se Tha Elangovan | Camera - Karthcik N & Anirud RK | Edit - Krithick

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