
TRUE HEROES Tribute to Those Who Serve & Care for Others

2021-02-05 11 Dailymotion

What is a Hero? Blues/Rock song with vocals by Ann M. Wolf, drive the message through about the heroes all around us, often serving in harm's way or doing the extraordinary. Ann's friend, Sgt. Jack F. Keller says, "Heroes are like stars all around us, some shine bright and others you may not see, but they are everywhere, not seeking recognition or re-payment." Special thanks to Nolan Wright for sharing his Huey Sounds with us for this video of which Mp3s were also featured in the Video, "After Vietnam, The Healing." (You can find the Vietnam Video in the Playlist for Ann M. Wolf's YouTube Channel.) Nolan is a private pilot and aviation enthusiast. You can see his videos on YouTube channel: Kidf:22

HUEY SOUNDS: Nolan Wright

PURCHASE SONG, "For Every Tear I Cry": https://annmwolf.info/store

EKP: https://annmwolf.info

FREE NEWSLETTER SIGN UP: https://annmwolf.info


PRODUCER - TRACY COLLINS: http://www.tracycollinsmusic.com/

NOTE: This Video is offered for the purpose of inspiration & education; images & music are either original by Ann M. Wolf or are used by permission, by license, with some images having been obtained from (what the artist believes) are public domain sites. Please advise if any images require additional licenses or permissions. Thank you.