
Gold Panning at Goldfields Mining Centre - New Zealand

2020-12-15 128 Dailymotion

Gold Panning at Goldfields Mining Centre - New Zealand

Gold Panning at Goldfields Mining Centre
#gold #goldfields#miningcentre #kiwiinsaigon #newzealand #goldpanning

IT was the lure of GOLD that brought the first settlers into Central Otago and paved the way for today’s tourist towns of Queenstown and Wanaka. Today there are few reminders of this early history.

The Goldfields Mining Centre is a special place where visitors can gain an appreciation of the life and working environment of those early miners who struggled against the harsh and sometimes dangerous conditions along Central Otago’s famed Kawarau Gorge.

Located on the banks of the spectacular Kawarau River, the Goldfields Mining Centre is an historic reserve which has been set aside by New Zealand’s Department of Conservation to preserve an authentic mining site where gold has been mined for over 100 years and can still be found in the rocks & gravels of this unique area.

Visitors to Goldfields have the opportunity to pan for gold in virgin ground which has been sourced from an area known to be rich in gold.

While it is not unusual to find grains of gold, some visitors have been lucky enough to locate small nuggets ranging in value from $50 through to $300.

Your guide will provide you with a gold pan and show you where to obtain your gravels.. You will then be shown the right technique for “panning for gold”. The rest is over to you!

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