
आत्म साक्षात्कार

2020-12-14 0 Dailymotion

Who am I? You may be a doctor / someone's brother / someone's husband / someone's son etc all this is worldly knowledge. And it is in relation to your sister / wife / parents. In relative terms, all these identities are fine. But who are you in absolute terms? You are a Pure Soul.
The bigger purpose of life is to experience your Pure Soul. So, how do you experience the Pure Soul? You need a Gnani Purush (the One who is in the state of the Pure Soul). He will make you aware of your absolute state, while you can continue your life noramlly as it was before.
Watch this video and visit the link to find out more about Self-Reailzation:

In English: https://www.dadabhagwan.org/self-realization/

In Hindi: http://hindi.dadabhagwan.org/self-realization/

In Gujarati: https://www.dadabhagwan.in/self-realization/