
Fieldsports Britain - deer ruts are underway

2020-12-05 7 Dailymotion

The fallow rut is starting in the south of England, the red rut in Scotland, two deerstalkers go out in each to bag a buck and a stag. Roy Lupton is our fallow-antler clatterer, hunting down the perfect cull buck in Sussex. Meanwhile, in the North Highlands of Scotland, Charlie is on the hill to shoot a good red, with the help of pro stalker John Dodd. That's not all: we have the results of our airgun scope survey, and the results of recent prize draws to win pheasant shooting and an Evo catapult set-up. News editor Ben O'Rourke delves into the RSPB's finances ahead of its AGM this week, Charlie finds the best hunting videos on YouTube for Hunting YouTube, and David is on the News Stump. It is all in this week's #FieldsportsBritain

Here are the links to the individual items in this show:

▶ Fallow rut
For Sako's Powerhead Blade, go to https://www.sako.fi/cartridges/powerhead-blade

▶ Red rut
For John's website, visit http://www.prohuntltd.co.uk
Ammunition is Winchester Ballistic Silvertip in .308, 150-grain bullet https://winchester.com/Products/Ammunition/Rifle/Ballistic-Silvertip/SBST308
Rifle is a Browning X-bolt https://browningxbolt.eu/en/


▶ Competition prizes
For more about the Evo catapult, go to http://www.cattyshack.co.uk
For the Steventon and Farleigh Wallop shots, visit

▶ Airgun scopes survey results
For Fieldtester, visit http://Fcha.nl/fieldtester or https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcuIbBV6RrL5LxZU9gxW7vA

▶ Join the Fieldsports Nation and fund our fight for fieldsports in the media

▶ Fieldsports News http://Fcha.nl/news
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