
More Lockdowns before Thanksgiving & CNN Says Christmas Is Canceled Based On Fauci Recommendations

2020-11-16 11 Dailymotion

First they want us to cancel thanksgiving, now CNN's Jake Tapper claims 'Christmas is probably not going to be possible' based on of Dr. Fauci's recommendations. At what point is enough, enough? Last week I covered NY and NJ increased limits on gatherings, video link in the description. Now we have a few more states like Oregon, who actually just added additional Thanksgiving restrictions limiting gathering to just 6 people. I wonder if those same restrictions will apply the the anarchists and ANTIFA that have continued to destroy the city of Portland. Now we also have the city of brotherly love, Philadelphia, now added "Safe at Home" restrictions which limit basically everything. One of the new rules sates "All indoor gatherings and events involving people from more than one household are prohibited, in public or private spaces."

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Saratoga Sheriff's Office Press Release: https://twitter.com/CuomoWatch/status/1328429116983570432/photo/1
CNN Video Clip: https://twitter.com/SteveGuest/status/1327983461949378565
Philly Gov "Safer At Home" rules: https://www.phila.gov/2020-11-16-philadelphia-announces-new-safer-at-home-restrictions-in-response-to-rising-covid-19-cases/
Oregon Thanksgiving rules and defiance: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8954253/Oregon-county-commissioner-vows-hold-Thanksgiving-dinner-family-find.html
CNN Jake Tapper Cancels Holidays: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8953175/Tapper-suggests-Christmas-not-going-possible-Fauci-tells-Covid-rules-2021.html