
Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible Best Sellers Rank : #5

2020-11-12 2 Dailymotion

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Talk directly to your system for a faster workflow withautomation capability Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible is youressential Linux guide. With detailed instruction and abundantexamples, this book teaches you how to bypass the graphicalinterface and communicate directly with your computer, saving timeand expanding capability. This third edition incorporates thirtypages of new functional examples that are fully updated to alignwith the latest Linux features. Beginning with command linefundamentals, the book moves into shell scripting and shows you thepractical application of commands in automating frequentlyperformed functions. This guide includes useful tutorials, and adesk reference value of numerous examples.The Linux command line allows you to type specific shellcommands directly into the system to manipulate files and querysystem resources. Command line statements can be combined intoshort programs called shell scripts, a practice increasing inpopularity due to its usefulness in automation. This book is acomplete guide providing detailed instruction and expert adviceworking within this aspect of Linux.Write simple script utilities to automate tasksUnderstand the shell, and create shell scriptsProduce database, e-mail, and web scriptsStudy scripting examples ranging from basic to advancedWhether used as a tutorial or as a quick reference, this bookcontains information that every Linux user should know. Why notlearn to use the system to its utmost capability? Linux is a robustsystem with tremendous potential, and Linux Command Line andShell Scripting Bible opens the door to new possibilities.