
Microsoft's immersive mixed reality experience device HoloLens 2 introduced to S. Korea

2020-11-03 1 Dailymotion

'마이너리티 리포트' 기술이 현실로 성큼…MS '홀로렌즈2' 국내 출시

Augmented and Virtual Reality have been around quite a while right now, and some would argue the tech is looking quite dated.
Looking to take the next step forward, Microsoft has unveiled a device that enables users to explore more a more immersive world called 'Mixed Reality'.
Kim Bo-kyoung reports.
What would it be like if you could see three-dimensioned digital objects just by wearing a pair of glasses?
This technology is called 'Mixed Reality'. It merges the real and virtual worlds together so that both physical and holographic objects can be seen.
Microsoft came up with the 'HoloLens',... and recently introduced its latest model to South Korea.
"HoloLens is an AI-equipped device for enterprise which enables innovation in productivity as well as efficiency by displaying three-dimensional holograms in the real world."
“The HoloLens offers an immersive mixed reality experience. Its distinguishing feature is that it can recognize the user’s hand movements perfectly, unlike other VR and AR technologies.”
When users wear the device, it starts space-mapping to display the holographic contents in their correct place.
With instinctual motion grip technology, users can touch, grasp, and move three-dimensional holograms in a way that feels natural and like real objects.
VR and AR technologies are consumer-oriented,... but this mixed reality device is being used in a variety of industries such as manufacturing and healthcare.
"Remote assistance is a remote manager-supporting real field person using the 3D technology and hologram. It is more convenient and more efficient. Task management and training side, HoloLens will be giving more clear guide to the employee how to work and how to use it."
And this expert says that the boundaries of how it can be utilized could be expanded even further,... with lots of companies becoming more and more interested in combining their work systems with virtual reality technologies.
Kim Bo-kyoung, Arirang News.