
Why Tomatoes Prices are High in Pakistan? Real Reason Behind Expensive Tomatoes

2020-10-30 13 Dailymotion

The price of tomatoes these days are all time high. It is a very common vegetable which is used in almost all the dishes. A people are finding it extremely difficult to afford it on the price of 200 to 300 rupees per kilo. One of the vegetable seller in sabzi mandi revealed that tomatoes used to be imported from India, but now the importation has ceased. Watch the video to find out the opinions of general public, distressed over expensive vegetables.

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#ExpensiveTomatoes #Tomato #UnaffordableTomatoes #RiseInThePriceOfTomatoes #ExpensiveVegetables #SabziMandi #VegetablesInSabziMandi #TomatoesFromIndia #TomatoesImportedFromIndia