
Capt (Retd) Safdar Bashes Mubashir Luqman, Announces To Join Maulana's March

2020-10-30 2 Dailymotion

Captain Safdar has started protesting against the current government and senior anchor Mubbashir Luqman for pointing out politicians every time. Maulana Fazal Ur Rehman's lockdown is about to begin on October 27 at D Chowk Islamabad and PMLN will join JUI's protest to promote Islamic perspectives and Namoos-e-Risalat. Let's find out what allegations did Captain Safdar imposed on news anchors and why? Watch out the video

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#CaptainSafdar #Islamabad #LockDown #MaulanaFazlUrRehman #DChowk #Jui #PTI #Government #Public #PMLN #SeniorAnchor #MubashirLuqman #NamoosERisalat #Islam