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Those aged between 62 and 69 can get free flu vaccination

2020-10-26 8 Dailymotion

만 62~69세 독감백신 접종시작…"전문가 평가믿고 접종받아달라"

South Korea's annual flu vaccination program is available from today to those aged between 62 and 69 ...until December 31st.
Despite recent safety concerns, the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency has decided to continue with the program as no links had been found between the vaccine and the recent deaths.
During a weekly meeting at the Blue House with top aids, President Moon Jae-in urged the public to trust the health authority's judgement.
"This year, more people should get the seasonal flu shot to prevent getting COVID-19 and the seasonal influenza at the same time. I hope the greater danger of catching influenza, that has high fatality rate, can be avoided by getting the vaccination at the right time."
President Moon has advised health authorities to disclose the findings of the investigation into the flu vaccination-related deaths... transparently to prevent public anxiety.