Hi I am Lynda Cromar..
I like to share good content and how real online tools can create a big leverage for any business you are part of. I share: Creating A System To Build Your Contacts That Become Prospects, Customers and Team Members! today.
Tools I use:
Now Lifestyle: https://nowlifestyle.com/launch/start-now?id=lyndaacromar
Power Lead System: http://dragdropcap.lyndaswealthsystem.com/
Get BackUp: http://getbackup2.lyndaswealthsystem.com/
GVO Hosting: http://gvowebhost.lyndaswealthsystem.com/
Programs that help me:
Dabutton Factory: https://www.clickminded.com/button-generator/
Imgur: https://imgur.com/
HTML Cleaner: https://html-cleaner.com/
You can also check out my blog at LyndaCromar.com
Feel free to go there check out my content and visit my Facebook at