
S. Korea reports 76 new COVID-19 cases on Monday

2020-10-19 53 Dailymotion

국내 신규 확진자 76명 ... 오늘부터 수도권 요양•정신병원 직원 등 16만 명 코로나19 전수조사

76 is the daily virus tally in South Korea today - the fourth straight day that we've managed to keep the number below one hundred.
Health authorities remain on alert, however, as the nation's efforts to stamp out the coronavirus are hampered by cluster infections emerging at hospitals, nursing homes and senior centers in the greater capital area.
As Min Suk-hyen reports... South Korea began a process today to test 130-thousand workers and 30-thousand patients who have visited these live-in facilities.
South Korea reported 76 new COVID-19 cases on Monday… marking the fourth straight day with fewer than a hundred infections.
Of them, 50 were locally transmitted and 26 were from overseas.
This brings the total number of coronavirus cases nationwide to over 25-thousand-200.
No additional deaths were reported, keeping the death toll at 444.
The number of confirmed cases in Seoul fell to its lowest in 17 days since it reported 11 infections early this month... but cases remain concentrated in Seoul and its surrounding areas.
Since last week, several cluster infections have emerged at hospitals.
According to health authorities, a total of 67 cases were tied to a hospital in Dobong-gu District, Seoul ... while 59 others contracted the virus at a rehabilitation hospital in Gwangju, Gyeonggi-do Province.
A nursing home in Busan has also seen 73 cases.
The government has raised concerns over outbreaks at such facilities, saying they could lead to severe COVID-19 cases and mass cluster infections.
It also started conducting tests on some 160-thousand people linked to long-term care hospitals and related facilities in the greater Seoul area.
"To contain the spread of the virus, from today, we will conduct tests on patients, medical staff and workers at long-term care hospitals and other high-risk facilities."
The country lowered its social distancing guidelines to the lowest level in its three-tier system last Monday.
The government, however, explains it's not because the risks of COVID-19 have decreased, rather it's a measure taken to get people's lives back to normal, without hampering the country's virus prevention efforts.
Min Suk-hyen, Arirang News.