Bs. As .: Premiere of the movie "My days with Veronica" by director Nestor Lescovich and starring Dora Baret, Lito Cruz, Susu Pecoraro, Hector Bidonde. Report to the actress Graciela Borges: -Do you have any news about the movie My days with Veronica? -In a report did Alberto de Mendoza also comment on his enthusiasm and interest and did he speak precisely of Spanish directors with whom he compared Raul de la Torre? Report to film director Raul de la Torre: -Do you know what scares me a little, the release date, May 2? Report on the actress Susu Pecocaro: -When Susu Pecoraro arrives at a night like this where many people, friends, critics, colleagues gather, does she feel exactly the feeling that what is happening to her? Report to the actress Dora Baret: -Did you come from Spain, did you anticipate a return to be tonight living these circumstances, My days with Veronica is already launched, there is no countdown, you are scared, you are scared, you are with expectations? -Are you traveling next week because this movie was designated along with two others? Report to the actress Luisina Brando: -Does your film Dear friends go to Trelew in a week organized by the secretary of public information? (Jorge Jacobson / Magnetic)
Reference: The film "El infierno so feared" by director Raul de la Torre and starring Graciela Borges and Alberto de Mendoza premiered on August 7, 1980. The film "Queridas amigos" by director Carlos Orgambide and starring Dora Baret, Luisana Brando and Graciela Dufau premiered on June 5, 1980.
Date: 3/14/1980
Duration: 2 minutes 29 seconds
Film Code: B-08764
Copyright DiFilm Archive - Buenos Aires - Argentina
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