
As Temperatures Drop, Will Our Heaters Be Spreading COVID-19?

2020-10-05 13 Dailymotion

HuffPost reports people might not have to fear contracting COVID-19 through HVAC systems this fall and winter.
That's because heating and cooling systems in offices and commercial spaces filter all the air before it recirculates.
HVAC systems also bring outdoor air indoors. The indoor air is then diluted, making the likelihood of infection from an HVAC system reasonably low.
Still, the novel coronavirus can be airborne. It spreads person-to-person amid unmasked get-togethers with poor hygiene and no social distancing.
To be safe, open windows in your home when possible and otherwise make sure the space is well-ventilated.
Wipe down any high-touch surface areas that might be contaminated. And, most of all, wear a face mask.