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Tesla expected to produce 20 mil. electric vehicles per year by 2030: Elon Musk

2020-09-29 13 Dailymotion

머스크 "10년뒤 테슬라 전기차 2천만대 생산"…55배 증가 예측

Tesla's CEO Elon Musk expects his company to produce around 55 times more electric vehicles than the current output.
Musk tweeted on Monday that he expects Tesla to produce 20 million electric vehicles per year before 2030.
The figure is over 50 times the 365-thousand vehicles Tesla made in 2019.
He also said he forecast the global electric vehicle market to produce more than 30 million new vehicles annually within the next seven years.
But Musk added that in order to achieve this, it would require "consistently excellent execution".