
What is miscarriage - What are causes of miscarriage - Treatment of miscarriage

2020-09-25 13 Dailymotion

How to prevent miscarriage?

Miscarriage occurs due to various causes-

1.Due to abnormal growth of the embryo
2.Due to abnormality in the structure of the uterus i.e. septum or adhesions are present
3.Due to antibodies present in the blood or blood thickening.

Due to abnormal growth of the embryo-Approximately 80% of miscarriage occurs due to defective embryo. In the lady the egg and sperm meet to form the embryo. 23 chromosomes are from the mother side and 23 chromosomes are from the father’s side a 46-chromosome embryo is formed. When these chromosomes mix up then few strands can break up even if the parent’s chromosomes are normal then also due to disturbance in the process of meiosis there can be abnormality of the embryo which can be genetic or chromosomal abnormality. This means that all embryos which form are not normal. Some embryos can have genetic or chromosomal abnormality which are not compatible with life and the lady has miscarriage. If 100 lady’s get pregnant then 15-20% will have abortion due to defective embryo. If the miscarriage is due to defective embryo then even if we apply all preventive strategies that is give progesterone injections or tablets or even bed rest, we cannot prevent such abortions.

Miscarriage due to abnormality in the structure of the uterus i.e. septum or adhesions are present-

The abnormality in the structure of the uterus that is if there is a septum in the uterus, it will allow the embryo to grow till 6 to 8 weeks and then the woman might have miscarriage. The treatment for this is removal of the septum with the help of hysteroscopy. This helps 80% to 90% of ladies to conceive and continue pregnancy.
There is condition where the mouth of the uterus loosens up it is called cervical insufficiency. We suture the mouth of the uterus which helps the pregnancy to continue.

The uterus can have fibroid or there can be adhesions present in the uterus. With help of laparoscopy or hysteroscopy this problem can be resolved and we can help the lady prevent miscarriage further.

Miscarriage due to antibodies present in the blood or blood thickening.

In some conditions there is presence of antibodies in the blood which is called antiphospholipid antibodies. These are of 3 to 4 types. Normally, the blood vessel has a phospholipid coating which helps in the normal flow of blood if there are antibodies which are developed then the blood flow is affected there are presence of clots. This formation of clots stops the growth of the embryo and the woman may have miscarriage. The growth of the embryo can also slow down. The woman can also have increase in the blood pressure.

If the woman is antiphospholipid antibody positive then she can be given blood thinners or ecosprin tablets to prevent miscarriage.

There are certain lifestyle factors which can cause miscarriage like

Smoking which is active or passive
Consumption of alcohol
Obesity or excessive weight gain

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