
SADHGURU - STOP Playing With Your Health! DO THIS!!! 4 SECRETS OF HEALTHY LIFE - The Indian Mystics

2020-09-24 6 Dailymotion

SADHGURU - 4 SECRETS OF HEALTHY LIFE - Try This And You'll Never Fall Sick Again - The Indian Mystics

You body is made up of five elements i.e. Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space; And for a healthier life you need to manage these five elements properly. In order to maintain a fine balance between these elements, one need to eat and drink consciously, because you become what you eat. The food we eat, the water we drink determines how our body will function. In this video, one of the most influential personality and The Indian Mystic - Sadhguru reveals four secrets to lead a healthy life.

This video will educate you primarily on four things Food, Water, Sleep and importance of consuming honey daily. It tells you about the type of food a person should consume, the best way to consume water and other substance, benefits of good and quality sleep and why it is significant to consume honey.

We hope our efforts will bring positive change in the society across the world and help you in staying fit and healthy. Watch Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev sharing his incredible wisdom and knowledge on food, human behaviour and human body science.