
Operativo Condor 10 - Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales 1972

2020-09-09 11 Dailymotion

YPF Presents Operation Condor 10
Condor deposit, January 1972
Sound: Phonoalex
Direction: Jon Villela Beitia
Description of the film: Y.P.F. in Santa Cruz. Close-up of a poster where it is observed writing: "National Development Plan 1971-1975 Fiscal Oilfields (YPF)" and another: "Cerro Redondo El Cóndor Field. Route 356-85 km APV". General views of two gauchos herding a flock of sheep through the countryside. General views of a penguin colony. General views of men working near the oil well to put out the fire. General views of the remains of the completion equipment of the well destroyed and calcined by fire. General views of men preparing the canvas for the collection of water. Close-up shots of a bulldozer leveling the ground. General views of YPF's central workshop in Comodoro Rivadavia and of the operators working in the establishment. General views of the oil well fire puff at night. General views of men making preparations to put out the fire. General views of the various ways to extinguish fire. General views of the men celebrating after having extinguished the fire in the well. General views of the jobs to place the adapter head. General views of the final stage to place the Cameron valve on that same head.
Date: 1972
Duration: 24 minutes 59 seconds
Film Code: F-00751

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