
ACT – Assessing low Carbon Transition: “Generic” methodology

2020-08-28 6 Dailymotion

ACT – Assessing low Carbon Transition is a joint voluntary initiative of the UNFCCC secretariat Global Climate Agenda co-founded by ADEME and CDP. ACT provides sectoral methodologies as an accountability framework to assess how companies’ strategies and actions contribute to the Paris mitigation goals.
This video is the recorded webinar delivered on the 22th July 2020 providing information about the ACT Generic methodology to assess the climate strategy of companies not included in ACT sectoral methodologies (existing or future) as well as multi-activity companies.

The ACT (Assessing low Carbon Transition) initiative values multi-stakeholder collaboration to develop global methodologies assessing high-impact sectors. These methodologies will assess company-level alignment to the Paris Agreement goals of keeping global warming to ‘well below 2 degrees’ using a holistic and sector-specific approach.

For more information about the ACT initiative, please visit our website: http://actinitiative.org/