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S. Korean gov't to provide services exports industry with US$4 bil. aid by 2023

2020-08-13 4 Dailymotion

홍남기 "핵심 수출형 서비스산업에 2023년까지 4.6조원 공급"

The South Korean government will provide the export-oriented services industry with nearly four billion U.S. dollars in aid to boost exports.
At an emergency meeting Thursday,... Deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki said the government will reorganize manufacturing-oriented support standards to ensure they are also tailored to the services industry.
Citing the contents, medical and healthcare, edu-tech, digital services, fintech and engineering industries as key export-focused industries, ...he said they'll be provided with customized aid worth three-point-nine billion U.S. dollars by 2023.
South Korea aims to enter the world's top ten countries for export services by 2025.