
Horizon Zero Dawn with Gyro Aiming on PC - The Gyroscopic Controls Project

2020-08-12 15 Dailymotion

I didn’t plan to make this video (and you can obviously tell), but with the release of Horizon Zero Dawn on PC, I was very hyped to play it with Gyro Aiming on PC, until I encountered issues...

Horizon Zero Dawn natively supports Steam Input API, and the implementation is really bad, especially where the Steam Controller, one of which was directly mentioned by Guerilla, is badly implemented as per usual. However, there are other issues such as the lack of Simultaneously Controller+Keyboard/Mouse and no Manual Button Prompt/Glyphs switch.

Considering how another game that shares the same game engine, Death Stranding hits all the right notes (even if their Steam Input API Implementation is basic) of a Good Controller Support, it is disappointing that some of them didn’t migrate to Horizon Zero Dawn.

I wrote down a far more comprehensive thread detailing issues with Horizon Zero Dawn PC’s Controller Support:


Regardless, I manage to get Gyro Aiming working by using the same Mode-Shift method from my Resident Evil 5 config for both DualShock 4 and Steam Controller (I also “fixed” the official config in the process) and you can use my config from the Community Configuration section of Steam Controller Configurator [while Horizon Zero Dawn is running] or from my DS4 Gyro-Optimized Configuration page (for DualShock 4 controller).

If you were curious about the way how I got “Mode-Shift” method working, I will redirect to my Resident Evil 5 PC Gyro Aim video since this covers Mode Shift: https://dai.ly/x7ubeh8

For DualShock 4, you can grab the config link from DS4 Gyro-Optimized Configuration page: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1saJE1URsT1bixVFKPRpq4ccnMIgOGaIZrFs4yqN7IEU/edit?usp=sharing


The Release of Horizon Zero Dawn on PC: 0:01
The Issue with Steam Input API Implementation and General Controller Support: 0:59
Fixing Gyro Aiming and Steam Controller Config: 1:44
Gyro Aiming Gameplay - Steam Controller: 2:42
Gyro Aiming Gameplay - DualShock 4: 5:40