
Deep Sleep Hypnosis ┇ Meditation for Sleep _ Relaxation ┇Delta Sleep Music(360P)

2020-08-11 5 Dailymotion

Deep Sleep Hypnosis ┇ Meditation for Sleep _ Relaxation ┇Delta Sleep Music(360P

Sleep plays an important role for maintaining physical and mental health1,2,3,4,5, and is critical for general well-being6,7. However, sleep disturbances are highly common in our society8, with increased prevalence in ageing9 as well as among people at risk of or suffering from a psychiatric disorder10. The use of sleep enhancing medicine is problematic, as its effectiveness decreases across time and may lead to addiction. Consequently, researchers need to empirically validate the effectiveness of non-pharmacological and easy to implement tools to support healthy sleep.

Listening to music is a widely used tool to improve sleep. In an online survey in a general population 62% (out of n = 651 respondents) stated to have at least once used music to help them sleep11. In a survey in over 500 patients with sleep disorders, over 50% reported to use music as sleep aid12. In a meta-analysis based on six included studies in a total of 314 patients, Jespersen and colleagues reported that music helped to improve subjective sleep quality in insomnia patients13. Similarly, sedative music while resting could effectively improve subjectively rated sleep in patients with sleep complaints14. In 20 included trials, another meta-analysis showed positive effects of music based interventions before bedtime on PSQI scores, sleep onset latency and sleep efficiency in patients suffering from primary insomnia15. Positive effects of listening to music on subjectively evaluated sleep were found in toddlers when listening throughout the naptime, preschool children and young adults listening 45 minutes at naptime and/or bedtime16,17,18. Also in older women, two further studies reported shorter sleep onset time, less nocturnal awakenings and better sleep quality and satisfaction as measured with a questionnaire and sleep logs when listening to music when going to bed19,20. In sum, the positive effects of listening to music on subjective ratings of sleep quality are well established across different age groups including both healthy participants and patients.