Ruling DP, Blue House, Gov't to rename Nat'l Intelligence Service to decentralize power

2020-07-30 6 Dailymotion

당정 "국가정보원, 대외안보정보원으로 명칭 변경...자치경찰제 도입"

As part of the Moon administration's goal of decentralizing the power of the nation's most powerful agencies, the ruling Democratic Party, the Blue House and the government vowed to rename the nation's top intelligence agency.
During a meeting at the parliament early on Thursday, they decided to rename the National Intelligence Service as what's been unofficially translated as the "External Security and Intelligence Service".
The change is aimed at restricting the agency from meddling in local politics.
They also pledged to push through with policies to make the prosecution's hierarchical relationship with the police into a more cooperative relationship.
The prosecution's right to hold direct investigations will be limited to only certain areas.
Legislation to localize the police will also be submitted.