
The Pandemic Hasn't Ended, So Stop Trying To Live Like It Has

2020-07-29 0 Dailymotion

At first, it seemed like the coronavirus pandemic would never reach the US. Then, it was supposed to magically 'disappear' by itself.
Then, it was supposed to be killed off by hot summer weather. That didn't happen, either.
According to HuffPost, Americans are fed up with the pandemic, sick of staying home, and itching to go on vacation.
Psychologists say that's entirely understandable. Still, they warn that throwing caution to the wind in frustration is foolhardy.
Take your vacation days, but spend them near home. Meet a friend or relative, but masked, outdoors, and socially distanced. Don't have a big family reunion.
Finally, stop living in denial. It's not safe yet, and this isn't over. Don't contribute to the spread, and help flatten the curve.