
Super Mario Bros. DX - OP (JP)

2020-07-17 83 Dailymotion

This video was once on YouTube, but Sony Music Entertainment Japan took it down, despite my disputing after they blocked it worldwide there! I mean, seriously, folks, what the hell part of "fair use" don't they understand?!

So, instead, I've uploaded it on Dailymotion.

This is the opening sequence to Smashinity's (formerly Smasher Block) recently-renamed Flash-animated sprite series, Super Mario Bros. DX (スーパー・マリオ・ブラザーズDX) set to the original Japanese version of "ADAMAS" performed by LiSA, which is copyright of the aforementioned Sony Music Entertainment Japan, whom I am angry at right now for taking the video down on YouTube!

Note: Super Mario Bros. is copyright of Shigeru Miyamoto and Nintendo. Sonic the Hedgehog is copyright of Naoto Oshima and SEGA. Super Mario Bros. DX is copyright of Smashinity.