
Ghost hunters Tony and Paul couldn't believe it when they saw what the camera had picked up

2020-07-15 1 Dailymotion

There was ‘nothing going on’, no wind, no sounds, nothing.

The ‘spirit of a caretaker’ has been caught on camera closing a heavy door at an abandoned fort, a ghost hunter is claiming.

Tony Ferguson and his colleague Paul Cissell visited the abandoned fort in Gosport, Hampshire, last Sunday, July 5, along with their faithful spirit-hunting dog Sam.

The pair were investigating the fort after hearing claims from others that the cell doors inside often close, seemingly by themselves, and they weren’t disappointed when they arrived. Ghost ‘Caught Closing Door’ In Eerie Footage From Abandoned Fort In Hampshire
BY : LUCY CONNOLLY ON : 13 JUL 2020 17:15

Ghost 'Caught Closing Door' In Eerie Footage From Abandoned FortKennedy News and Media
The ‘spirit of a caretaker’ has been caught on camera closing a heavy door at an abandoned fort, a ghost hunter is claiming.

Tony Ferguson and his colleague Paul Cissell visited the abandoned fort in Gosport, Hampshire, last Sunday, July 5, along with their faithful spirit-hunting dog Sam.

The pair were investigating the fort after hearing claims from others that the cell doors inside often close, seemingly by themselves, and they weren’t disappointed when they arrived.

You can watch the eerie footage below:

The footage, which was captured mid-afternoon, shows the metal door closing in an empty corridor before shutting with a loud ‘clunk’. Tony and Paul can then be seen on camera trying to debunk what had happened.

The two men had left the camera running on the corridor before going off to explore another area. They were in another part of the fort when Sam – who tags along with the pair when they investigate haunted locations – ‘picked up that the door was banging’ and led them to the scene.

Once there, they watched the hour-long footage when ‘all of a sudden [the door] moved and clicked in’. 35-year-old Tony described it as a ‘real shock’, especially as prior to the movement there was ‘nothing going on’, no wind, no sounds, nothing.