
Actors / Celebrities Who Died in Accidents

2020-06-26 1 Dailymotion

Actors/Celebrities Who Died in Accidents

This video is about some famous actors/actresses/celebrities who lost their life in accidents.

Names: Paul Walker, John Denver, Princess Diana, Aaliyah, Duane Allman, David Angell, Orson Bean, Berry Berenson, Marc Bolan, Lorenzo Brino, Kobe Bryant, Cliff Burton, Patsy Cline, Eddie Cochran, Jessi Combs, Lashawn Daniels, James Dean, Isadora Duncan, Ryan Dunn, Falco, Shain Gandee, Troy Gentry, Bill Graham, Kylie Rae Harris, Buddy Holly, Leslie Howard, Grace Kelly, John Kennedy Jr., Sam Kinison, Ernie Kovacs, Sammi Kane Kraft, Billy 'Froggy' Laughlin, Carole Lombard, Lisa 'Left Eye' Lopes, Jayne Mansfield, Rocky Marciano, Nathaniel Marston, Eve Meyer, Margaret Mitchell, Vic Morrow, Audie Murphy, Ricky Nelson, Barbara Olson, George S. Patton, Jackson Pollock, Wiley Post, Otis Redding, Randy Rhoads, Jenni Rivera, Will Rogers, Randy Savage, Jessica Savitch, Bob Simon, Bessie Smith, Mike Todd, Ritchie Valens, Ronnie Van Zant, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Dottie West, Ben Woolf, Anton Yelchin,

BE STRONG, you know who you are and Stay Safe...Thank You.

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