
Minecraft BEST Particle Commands in Minecraft Bedrock Edition (PS4/XBOX/PC/MCPE) COOL EFFECTS! - TedwaTeddy

2020-06-19 46 Dailymotion

Heyo! Looking for the BEST NEW Particle Commands for Minecraft Bedrock Edition? All from 1 Command? Then We'll show you guys how to access cool particles from 1 command! These Particles can be on just the command block or as Player Trails! You can have fun with these fun commands for your worlds or server or for mini games!

Also if you wants Particles to be on top of the command block type: particle minecraft:totem_particle ~ ~3 ~

If you increase the number you can raise up the particle height, if you decrease it, the particle will be lower.
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#TedNation #minecraftparticles #MCPE