
बियर पीने के 20 ज़बरदस्त फायदे - Health Benefits of Drinking Beer (New Research)

2020-06-06 3 Dailymotion

Facts Series welcomes you Friends, like tea, beer is also becoming a part of our daily life.You will be surprised to know that there are 20 health benefits of drinking beer which are very surprising. If we use a balanced amount of brand beer, it gives us a lot of benefit
.1. Benefits of drinking Beer Facts Series welcomes you Friends, like tea, beer is also becoming a part of our daily life.
2. Now girls have joined this race along with boys You will be surprised to know that there are benefits of drinking beer which are very surprising. If we use a balanced amount of beer, it gives us a lot of benefit.
3. Beer contains a lot of anti-oxidants, due to which people who drink beer tend to look younger for longer. beer benefits for health
4.Drink beer eliminates the possibility of kidney stone.
5.Beer can also help you get enough sound sleep Beer contains sodium, potassium, magnesium, and many other types of nutricians.
6. It contains vitamins - B1, B2, B6 and vitamin B12. Beer does not contain cholesterol at all, due to which people who consume beer do not get fat.
7.In 1999, the British Medical Journal reported that the consumption of beer reduces the risk of heart diseases by 25 percent.
8.Drinking beer lowers the cholesterol level of the body which is beneficial for the heart. beer benefits for heart
9. In beer, alcohol content is lower than other types of alcohol. From the point of view, beer is made from barley, wheat, maize and rice kendavan (fermentation Research suggests that by drinking a balanced amount of beer, you can increase your lifespan.
10.Xanthohumol is found in the plant hops used in beer making, which helps fight cancer-like illness.