What is Cancer ? & How does Cancer Start || कैंसर क्या है? और कैंसर कैसे शुरू होता है Part-1
This is another video PART-1
What is cancer ?
Main reasons of cancer is tobacco , alcohol intake , sexually transmitted diseases , physical inactivity , obesity (fat)
Cancer cells that break off from the main tumour travel through the bloodstream , once in the blood they can go to any part of the body.
STAGES OF CANCER : 4 stages of cancer
1: In the first and second stage of cancer the tumour of cancer is small and it doesn’t spread in the tissues around . In third stage usually means the cancer is larger and it may have started to spread into surroundings tissues. In fourth stage it is the last stage of cancer and cancer has spread to other parts of the body.
All cancers begin in cells. This is because cells produce signals to control how much and how often the cells divide. If any of these signals are faulty or missing, cells may start to grow and multiply too much and form a lump called tumour
1: if suddenly you notice any knots in your body
2: wound or injury that swells your skin towards outer side
3: irregular bleeding from any part of the body
4: if you see any changes in your body and sudden weight lose and regular headache you must go aqnd consult your doctor as soon as possible
• UTERINE CANCER: the main cause of this cancer is getting married in early age. Irregular , heavy , or abnormal menstruation and also it is found in the ladies of 40 and above. If bleeding after menopause go and consult your doctor
• BREAST CANCER : the main cause of this cancer is not feeding your baby properly and if you notice any knots or any difference in your breast area you should consult your doctor.
• MOUTH CANCER : 70% people get to know about this cancer after they reach third stage . The most common reason of this cancer includes tobacco use , heavy alcohol use and HPV infections so smokers and heavy drinkers should have regular checkups with the dentist.
Symptoms : difficulty in chewing or swallowing
*lump or sore area in mouth , throat, lips
*white patches in the mouth
• BLOOD CANCER : blood cancer happens when something goes wrong with development of your blood cells This stops them working properly and they may grow out of control.
Symptoms : unexpected bleeding from mouth
*migrane problem
• LUNG CANCER : A cancer that begins in the lungs and most often occurs in people who smoke.
*symptoms: cough (often with blood)
*changes in voice
• CERVICAL CANCER : this is a type of cancer that occurs in the cells of the cervix (the lower part of the uterus) it affects the entrance of uterus It occurs most commonly in women over 30 years.
Symptoms: low back pain
*unexpected weight loss
• BRAIN CANCER : A cancerous or non cancerous mass or growth of abnormal cells in the brain. Tumours can start in the brain ,or cancer elsewhere in the body can spread to the