
Jorge Jacobson interviews Camilo Sesto in Buenos Aires 1981

2020-05-12 1 Dailymotion

Bs. As .: Journalistic note in the hotel where the Spanish singer Camilo Sesto is staying. Report to Camilo Sesto, in which he is asked: - Should we really say sorry? forgive me for putting you in the sun; How was it? -Is there a very good room sale for tonight, excellent sale, is there a whole expectation because Camilo Sesto is singing again in the middle of Corrientes Avenue? (He replies that he appears at the Opera Theater) -Camilo, how much do you leave Argentina on the 23rd, do you go exactly where? (Responds: I go first to Spain, then to Holland, Germany and the United States, and perhaps go through Venezuela) -Camilo, when one hears that the arrival of a Spanish singer in Argentina is announced, one thinks of how many Spanish singers there is; There are many, but I'm going to ask you to focus your opinion on these singers: Raphael, Julio Iglesias and Miguel Bose? -Camilo, tonight and tomorrow in the middle of Corrientes Avenue; and Camilo Sesto until when singing? (Jorge Jacobson / Magnetic / Color)
Date: 3/10/1981
Duration: 3 minutes 53 seconds
Film code: B-05205

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