
S. Korean gov't takes addtional quarantine efforts to support undocumented workers.

2020-05-01 39 Dailymotion

정부, 미등록 외국인 의료접근성 확대해야

South Korea is trying to curb the spread of COVID-19 even further by helping undocumented immigrants.
As well as offering treatment guidelines in 16 different languages, the government is also offering free diagnosis, treatment and interpretation services at medical facilities.
Our Choi Won-jong tells us more.
South Korean health officials have shifted their attention to the undocumented immigrants that are going undetected in the blind spots of Korea's quarantine measures.
The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Friday that officials have come up with new plans to help around 390-thousand undocumented foreigners.. who are possibly in need of medical attention during the COVID-19 outbreak.
"We will provide COVID-19 treatment guides in 16 languages for nearly 390-thousand undocumented immigrants. We will also give free COVID-19 diagnosis, treatment and face-to-face interpretation services at local clinics."
Janjua, not using his real name, is one of 390-thousand undocumented immigrants in Korea, and moved from Pakistan 15 years ago.
He was working under refugee status with a G-1 visa, which temporarily allowed him to apply for a work permit and live in the country.
However, after his visa expired, he said, without Korean friends to help, he would be reluctant to visit local hospitals.
“If somebody doesn’t have Korean friends, and you don't know about the policies or regulations. I think he’s very hesitant to go to , because thinking that they maybe call police and immigration, and send back to my country.”
To help undocumented immigrants feel less hesitant about visiting medical facilities, the government has decided to temporarily halt its immigration crackdown.
In the meantime, the South Korean government is also planning to make temporary exemptions with immigration offices to ensure the safety of undocumented immigrants in the future. Choi Won-jong, Arirang News.