
Arduino tutorial #5|How to make voice control home automation using Arduino|with relay module|IN HINDI|TECH UTKARSH|

2020-04-25 3 Dailymotion


Arduino UNO & Genuino UNO×1

HC-05 Bluetooth Module×1

Jumper wires (generic)×1

Two AC Bulbs(Red,Yellow)×1

Relay (generic)Using 2Channel Relay×1


Arduino IDE (Android App)
Anduino Bluetooth control all in one (Android App)

1.Give connection as Per circuit diagram

2.Connect the TX of Arduino to RX of bluetooth and RX of Arduino to TX of bluetooth

3.Give 5V supply to bluetooth module and ground it.

4.Connect relay1 to Digitalpin2 and relay2 to Digitalpin3 of the Arduino

5.Then give the AC supply to the relay as required

upload program

1.Upload the program to the Arduino uno

2.If required for more relay connection than just initialize an relay in the program and do a simple if else condition as required.

coding and Circuit details here:-https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=15pZlF3XNEZR2ZUgrKpYkGbyB3EIEvIl5

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