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S. Korea to promote holding joint events with N. Korea to mark 20th anniversary of June 15th Declaration

2020-04-24 1 Dailymotion

통일부 "6•15 선언 20주년, 남북공동행사•이산가족 상봉 추진"

The South Korean government has announced its plans on Friday to improve inter-Korean relations this year.
The Unification Ministry will focus on pushing for the reunion of separated families, as well as promoting the inter-Korean railway construction project and cooperation to stop virus outbreaks.
Our Hong Yoo reports.
To mark the 20th anniversary of the June 15th Declaration, the South Korean government plans to cooperate with private organizations to host a joint event with North Korea and promote inter-Korean exchanges.
The Unification Ministry announced Friday its plans to improve inter-Korean relations for this year, including holding joint events and having sports and culture exchanges.
The two Koreas haven't celebrated the June 15th declaration together since 2008.
For this year however, the ministry hopes to hold reunions for separated families on that day.
In case the COVID-19 pandemic prevents a face-to-face reunion, the ministry is preparing a video reunion and video letter exchanges.
"We already checked to see if it violates sanctions on North Korea and bought the equipment needed for a video reunion. We have remodeled our video reunion hall. The details will come through cooperation with the North."
South Korea aims to settle permanent peace and solve North Korea's nuclear issue, develop sustainable relationship, and make a new economic community of the Korean peninsula.
And humanitarian cooperation is expected to help in achieving those goals.
That includes promoting quarantine cooperation with Pyeongyang to fight against virus outbreaks.
Seoul will also try to resume talks to connect railways and push for Pyeongyang to allow individual trips to the North.
Hong Yoo, Arirang News.