
South Korean gov't to review additional extra budget to minimize economic fallout of COVID-19

2020-04-16 8 Dailymotion

정총리, 오늘 '코로나 2차 추가경정' 예산안 의결 결정

The South Korean government will draw up an additional supplementary budget worth more than five billion U.S. dollars to counter the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Prime Minister Chung Sye-Kyun will revise the budget plan during a meeting Thursday to lift the economic burden on households caused by the outbreak.
This is on top of an almost ten billion dollar extra budget executed in mid-March.
The additional budget,... although in its early stages,... is likely to include ways to financially support families of four or more members that are in the lowest 70 percent income bracket.
If approved, the extra budget will be the fifth under the Moon administration,... following ones to stimulate job creation and tackle fine dust pollution.