
DOOM Eternal - Official Personalize Your DOOM Slayer (2020)

2020-03-10 7 Dailymotion

Conquer Hell’s armies in style! Unlock various skins, animations, and podiums by playing DOOM Eternal. Personalize your DOOM Slayer for photo mode and the single-player campaign. Then, slay with your friends in BATTLEMODE, where you can personalize your DOOM Slayer and playable demons.

For a limited time, get the exclusive DOOMicorn Slayer Master Collection included with Twitch Prime. Simply link your Twitch account to your Bethesda.net account and claim this collection of skins, player animations, and upgradeable podium. Raze Hell in DOOM Eternal on 03.20.20.

Pre-Order DOOM Eternal to get a free digital download of DOOM 64. Pre-orders of DOOM Eternal also include the Rip and Tear Pack, which comes with:

- DOOT Revenant Skin
- Cultist Base Master Level
- Throwback Shotgun Weapon Skin

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