I am MANISH from India.
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I am MANISH from India.
Welcome to "#DKMPR Tech".
I am MANISH from India.
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/* In this video i am going to show you 'HOW TO KNOW YOUR WIFI PASSWORD' */
* If you want to know your wifi password then you have to use only two commands.
cmd 1: netsh wlan show profile
cmd 2: netsh wlan export profile folder=c:\ key=clear
- Now follow me:-
step 1: open your command prompt and run as administrator
step 2: insert cmd 1 (it will show all your wifi network)
step 3: insert cmd 2 (it will save your all wifi password)
step 4: now go to the c drive.
step 5: select your wifi and open it throw notepad.
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Thanks for watching the video.
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